Helpful Horse Training Equipment

Hello everyone, welcome back to the blog! Today we are going to be going over my favorite and most helpful horse training equipment. Everyone has different tools and tactics they use to train horses, but these are Rafter 3’s favorites!

In this blog post, we will cover:

This is going to be a fairly short post that will be easy to come back and reference to in the future.


Let’s get started, shall we?!


I remember my early days as a horse trainer, and I can tell you I always had a LOT of equipment but in many cases, it didn’t always seem to be the right equipment. Such a struggle, especially when anything to do with horses is not necessarily cheap by any means. If you are looking for the best horse training equipment, you are in the right place. Whether you are a professional trainer currently or just someone who wants to step-up their game at home… this list is for you!

Groundwork Equipment:

Lunge Line and Whip: A lunge line is a fundamental tool in any horse trainer’s arsenal. It allows you to establish a clear line of communication with your horse, enabling precise commands and controlled movement. Choose a durable and appropriately-sized lunge line for effective groundwork. On the other hand- The lunge whip: The lunge whip is a valuable tool for guiding and encouraging your horse during groundwork exercises. It aids in maintaining distance, refining commands, and ensuring a respectful yet responsive interaction between you and your equine partner.


Gloves: Protect your hands with a reliable pair of gloves during groundwork sessions. They not only shield your hands from friction but also provide a secure grip on equipment like lunge lines, ensuring a safer and more comfortable experience.


Surcingle: The surcingle is a versatile piece of equipment used in lunging and ground driving. Properly fitted, it helps distribute pressure evenly across the horse’s body and serves as a platform for attaching additional training aids.


Sidelines: Sidelines are instrumental in lateral work during groundwork. They encourage suppleness and engagement, crucial elements for horses involved in disciplines such as Western Pleasure or Reining. Incorporate sidelines into your training routine for a well-rounded groundwork approach.


Crop: A crop is an extension of your aids during groundwork. It provides a means of reinforcing cues from a distance, fostering responsiveness and respect. Use it judiciously to maintain effective communication with your horse.


Bell Boots, Polo Wraps/Splint Boots: Prioritize the protection of your horse’s legs with the use of bell boots, polo wraps, or splint boots during groundwork. These items provide support and reduce the risk of injuries, especially when navigating various surfaces.


Cones, Poles, etc.: Create a dynamic and engaging training environment with obstacles such as cones and poles. These tools enhance your horse’s focus, coordination, and responsiveness, making groundwork both stimulating and effective.


Noise-making Objects for Desensitization: Desensitization is a crucial aspect of horse training. Introduce your horse to different sounds using noise-making objects, such as plastic bags or rattling items. Gradually exposing them will build confidence and create a more adaptable and well-rounded equine partner.

Green Horse Training Equipment:

In the equestrian world, a “green horse” refers to a young or inexperienced horse that is in the early stages of training. These horses are typically at the beginning of their education, learning the basics of groundwork, under-saddle work, and exposure to various stimuli. Working with green horses requires patience, consistency, and a careful selection of tools and equipment that facilitate their learning process.

Tools and Equipment for Training Green Horses:

  1. German Training Scale Principles: Embrace the principles of the German Training Scale, focusing on establishing a solid foundation for your green horse. Prioritize rhythm, suppleness, contact, impulsion, straightness, and collection in your training sessions. This methodology provides a structured and progressive approach to developing a well-rounded equine partner.
  2. Balanced Saddle and Bridle: Start your green horse’s training journey with a well-fitted and balanced saddle and bridle. Proper tack ensures comfort and allows for freedom of movement, contributing to the horse’s physical and mental well-being during the early stages of training.
  3. Gradual Introduction to Equipment: Introduce training equipment gradually to avoid overwhelming the green horse. Begin with simple tools such as a cavesson or a basic snaffle bit. As the horse becomes more accustomed to these, you can gradually introduce more advanced equipment based on the horse’s individual progress and needs.
  4. Positive Reinforcement Aids: Incorporate positive reinforcement aids, such as treats or verbal praise, to reinforce desired behaviors. Green horses often respond well to positive reinforcement, creating a positive association with the learning process.
  5. Ground Poles and Cavaletti: Build your green horse’s confidence and coordination with the use of ground poles and cavaletti. These simple obstacles encourage proper movement and help develop a balanced and surefooted horse.
  6. Desensitization Tools: Green horses may be sensitive to new experiences. Use desensitization tools, such as plastic bags or tarps, to gradually expose them to different sights and sounds. This builds confidence and resilience, essential traits for a well-rounded equine partner.
  7. Consistent Routine and Clear Communication: Establish a consistent training routine to provide structure and familiarity for the green horse. Clear and consistent communication, both on the ground and under saddle, is essential for building trust and understanding.
  8. Exposure to Varied Environments: Gradually expose green horses to different environments, surfaces, and objects. This exposure builds confidence and adaptability, preparing them for diverse situations they may encounter in the future.

Remember, each green horse is an individual with its own pace of learning. Pay attention to their cues, progress gradually, and celebrate small victories along the way. With the right tools and a patient approach, you’ll be laying a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling partnership.

Helpful Training Tools For The Finished Horse

When working with a finished and seasoned horse, the focus shifts from foundational training to refining skills, introducing advanced maneuvers, and maintaining peak performance. Here are some helpful tools to expand and continue your horse’s education:

Tools for Expanding a Proficient Horse’s Education:

  1. Advanced Bits: Upgrade to advanced bits that offer subtle cues and increased refinement. Consider bits designed for specific disciplines, such as a shanked bit for Western riding or a double bridle for dressage. Always ensure the bit is suitable and comfortable for your horse.
  2. Collection Aids: Utilize aids that encourage collection, such as a dressage whip or spurs. These tools can refine your horse’s response to cues and enhance their ability to engage their hindquarters, achieving a more collected and balanced frame.
  3. Pole Work and Gymnastic Exercises: Incorporate advanced pole work and gymnastic exercises to challenge your horse’s coordination, balance, and flexibility. Set up grids and combinations to refine their jumping technique or use raised poles for more intricate footwork.
  4. Training Cones and Markers: Invest in training cones and markers to create intricate patterns and exercises. This helps fine-tune your horse’s responsiveness to aids and enhances their ability to navigate complex patterns, a valuable skill in many disciplines.
  5. Advanced Ground Driving Equipment: Expand ground driving exercises with advanced equipment like long lines or a double lunge. This allows you to work on lateral movements, transitions, and advanced cues from the ground.
  6. Cow Work and Cutting Flags: If your horse is involved in Western disciplines, introduce cow work tools and cutting flags. This helps refine their ability to read cattle and enhances their responsiveness in activities like cutting or working cowhorse.
  7. Performance Boots and Specialty Tack: Consider specialized performance boots and tack that cater to your horse’s specific needs. For example, sport boots for impact protection or discipline-specific saddles designed to support your horse’s movement.
  8. Electronic Training Aids: Incorporate electronic training aids such as heart rate monitors or GPS trackers. These tools provide insights into your horse’s physical condition, allowing you to tailor training programs to their individual fitness levels and recovery needs.
  9. Trail Obstacles and Natural Elements: Take your horse’s training outdoors by introducing trail obstacles and navigating natural elements. This challenges their adaptability and reinforces their training in real-world scenarios.
  10. Continued Exposure to New Environments: Even with a seasoned horse, continue exposing them to new environments and experiences. This helps maintain their adaptability and prevents complacency in their routine.

Remember, while expanding your horse’s education, always prioritize their well-being, comfort, and individual capabilities. Every horse is unique, so tailor your training program to suit their strengths and areas for improvement. Enjoy the journey of deepening your partnership with your proficient equine companion!

In conclusion, whether you’re starting with a green horse, fine-tuning the skills of a seasoned partner, or exploring the vast world of horse training, the key lies in adaptability and a deep understanding of your equine companion. From essential groundwork tools that lay the foundation for a promising future to advanced equipment that challenges and refines a proficient horse’s abilities, the journey is as dynamic as the horses themselves.

Remember, the bond between a rider and their horse is a continuous learning experience. Celebrate the small victories, remain patient through challenges, and always prioritize your horse’s well-being. As you embark on this equine adventure, may your training sessions be filled with understanding, communication, and the joy of witnessing your horse flourish.

Happy trails and may your partnership with your horse reach new heights! 🌟🐴

-Jamie and Makala

Rafter 3 Horse Development 2024